1. Train employees and find valuable data
To get GDPR ready, it is importance to train all collaborators in new processes. For maximum efficiency, they should understand the data journey: How data is collected, transported, secured, stored and analyzed, and shared.
It is also essential to identify where the data is held and what data is really useful. It will help your organization get its data assets in order and focus on protecting data with value.
2. Secure the IT systems
Adapting IT processes for security is essential. If there is a data breach at an organization – even when that data is managed by a third party - it will be responsible and will face sanctions and fines. So it is very important to choose a reliable and trustworthy cloud provider.
Demonstrating clearly that your business protects personal data and privacy will increase your customers’ confidence in your organisation.
3. Analyze and utilize data
GDPR compliance can help drive business growth. A better understanding of how data circulates can improve how it is collected, stored, analyzed and utilized. For instance, it can lead to better customer intelligence and more focused targeting of your sales and marketing activities.

Marine works in the Digital team at Orange Business. She’s an expert in digital communication and is at Orange to work on web content and community management.