Reveal your potential

Together, let’s imagine and build a more harmonious future for generations to come. Embark on a journey to gain valuable experience and explore unprecedented possibilities. At Orange, we are committed to unlocking the unique potential within each individual.

Key figures


employees in 65 countries


Glassdoor Rating (companies rated by their employees)


of our employees recommend Orange Business (Glassdoor rating)


Orange rating on the French Gender Equality Index (Mixity)


Orange score for Global Impact in Diversity and Inclusion (Mixity)

Working at Orange Business

  • Innovating and bringing change
  • Promoting inclusion
  • Growing and thriving
  • Creating a “Feel good” environment
  • Fostering a culture of trust
Innover et être des Change Makers

Innovating and bringing change

We encourage you to be bold, to be innovative and to share your ideas with the world. We welcome any creative idea that will provide our customers the best experience.
Through our Change Maker Awards program, we recognize colleagues and team members whose contributions make a real difference in building our services and innovation culture.

Valoriser l’inclusion orange business

Promoting inclusion

We celebrate individuality and encourage everyone to be their authentic selves. We are committed to fostering an inclusive workplace culture that values unique talents without any form of prejudice or bias.
We take great pride in our diversity, as it serves as a constant source of inspiration, learning and growth, driving continuous evolution.

Se développer et grandir orange business

Growing and thriving

You’ll find plenty of opportunities to learn and grow throughout our organization. We’re all about digital tools that allow you to work and develop the way you want. We offer certification programs and mentoring opportunities to help you broaden your career and enrich your skill set. A job at Orange could be the start of your international career.

Feel good orange business

Creating a “Feel good” environment

At Orange Business, we aspire to provide a supportive and respectful environment for all our employees. We’ve created a space where your voice will be heard and valued, where hybrid working and work-life balance are weaved into the very fabric of our company's DNA.

Fostering a culture of trust

Fostering a culture of trust

At Orange Business, we foster collaboration, innovation and trust to drive our company forward. Through unified communication and action, we collectively contribute to our global strategy and ambitions, creating a positive impact for our clients.

Find your next job!

Joining Orange Business presents a unique opportunity to collaborate with experts and thrive in a multicultural environment. With teams spanning 65 countries on every continent, you’ll have the chance to regularly explore new roles and locations, enabling personal and professional growth.

All our job offers

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Kickstart 2024 - APAC

Begin your career journey to gain valuable experience and explore unprecedented possibilities.

Join our 18-month program and unleash your potential in a dynamic environment where innovation thrives and your talents are nurtured for future success.

We value diversity and inclusion

Forge and thrive in an exciting and fulfilling career within an environment built on trust and diversity.
Gender parity 94% at Orange Business

Gender parity: 94% at Orange

We are proud to have achieved 43% female representation in the Orange Business leadership team, demonstrating an exceptional 94% gender parity. Our ambitious 2025 female representation goals include: 25% in technical roles, 33% across our global workforce and 40% among executive leaders. Join us in shaping a diverse and inclusive future.

Mixity score 87% for our global impact on diversity and inclusion

Orange Mixity score: 87% for our global impact on diversity and inclusion

At Orange, we are dedicated to fostering a positive environment that empowers our employees to thrive and pursue their dreams. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in our remarkable Mixity score of 87%, which affirms the overall impact we make. Notably, we have achieved outstanding scores of 90% for disability inclusion and 91% for LGBTQIA+ representation.

Integrating environmental goals into our daily operations

Integrating environmental goals into our daily operations

At Orange Business, we are committed to environmental sustainability through our Green Act initiative. Our priorities include:

  • Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040
  • Incorporating 50% renewable energy in our electricity mix by 2025
  • Ensuring that 100% of Orange-branded products are eco-designed by 2025

Through our Green Act program, we actively contribute to the environmental goals of the Orange Group. Join us in making a positive impact and be part of our journey towards a greener future.

Be recognized

illustration testimonial

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Aliette Mousnier-Lompré, Orange Business CEO

“I started my career at Orange as an intern. Today, I serve as the CEO of Orange Business, overseeing our B2B activity.”