Contribute positively to your social and environmental objectives

Build a sustainable, inclusive and sovereign digital work environment.

Develop an innovative, sustainable and sovereign working environment that contributes to your social and environmental objectives and your corporate image, and support all of your employees’ use of digital tools.
Control greenhouse gas emissions related to your tools and premises

Our experts can help you choose solutions that directly or indirectly reduce the impact of your digital and physical workplaces and contribute to your company’s greenhouse gas emissions targets.

Limit the environmental footprint of your IT

The environmental footprint of IT is largely dependent on equipment manufacturing and transportation. Act on the environmental footprint of your IT by choosing a partner that takes IT recycling very seriously.

Assess dependencies and identify sovereign solutions

Sovereignty is about choosing your dependencies. Evaluate the options available, make informed choices and consider the reversibility of collaborative work environments.

Involve all employees in the digital adventure

Implement solutions, tools and training that enable everyone to contribute to the company's performance through the appropriation of digital work and communication tools. An increased sense of belonging will boost employee motivation.

A technology integrator for your safety and efficiency

We enable you to work with a wide eco-system of service and technology partners, so you can choose your dependencies, reduce your environmental footprint and give all your employees digital capabilities.

[Logo][SVG] Microsoft
[Logo][SVG] AWS - Amazon
[Logo][SVG] Les ateliers du bocage

Our expertise at your service


years of experience in delivering collaboration and desktop solutions


consultants to support training and appropriation by all


projects supported each year


certified partners to deliver the technology you need