5G: enabling the real-time enterprise
5G’s impact will not just be technological – it will transform business models, processes and work modes. It will accelerate the availability of high-quality AI training data from connected objects at scale. It will support the use of autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), drones and immersive collaboration technologies, based on augmented and virtual reality.
Watch this video to find out what the future holds.
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Prepare your business
5G is coming. It’s a new world of opportunities for business. How can you prepare your business to take advantage of it?
Why is 5G important?

5G is a technological leap that announces a significant transformation of business models for all companies and in all sectors of activity. To take advantage of the opportunities available, companies must anticipate their application use cases without delay, and we, operators, must be fully mobilized to support them and develop solutions that meet their needs. The story of 5G has to be written together.

Stéphane Richard, Chairman & CEO of the Orange Group
5G and the "Internet of Enterprises" era of connected business ecosystems
5G is vital to the “Internet of Enterprises” era of connected business ecosystems. Helmut Reisinger, CEO at Orange Business explains why.
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5G: what if the best is yet to come?
What if all five of our senses could be augmented? What if you could bring everyone's talents together in real time and interact with connected objects in the physical world?
The three main benefits of 5G
- More capacity and bandwidth for enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and fixed wireless access (FWA) services: scheduled for commercial launch in 2020+
- Better reliability for safety and life-critical tasks: scheduled for commercial launch in 2020+
- More flexibility to connect different types of IoT devices at scale: scheduled for commercial launch in 2020+ (in combined 4G/5G mode) and 2021+ (in standalone 5G mode)
Through its native use of SDN/NFV (Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization), 5G will unite wireless and wireline services under a common multi-technology orchestration and management layer. This simplifies the operation of many digital applications with different latency, bandwidth, transmission rate, geographic reach and cost requirements through many types of connectivity, including 5G, LTE, LTE-M, LoRa and Wi-Fi.
The key 5G milestones from fundamental research in 2012 to commercial availability in 2020 and beyond.
Why Orange Business?
Our approach to the 5G market is customer-led
Orange Business is co-innovating with its enterprise customers around the world to test and develop 5G use cases prior to commercial launch. 5G will enable an increase in data rate and capacity. 5G allows for network slicing — dividing a single connection into separate slices to give different traffic types different priorities. It will facilitate multi-access edge computing (MEC) to bring processing power closer to the user for latency-sensitive applications.
5G brings many business benefits with more bandwidth capacity
It introduces new, high-frequency spectrum to meet the demands of speed and capacity with the ability to aggregate all bands. The new air interface supports mass connectivity and increases the efficiency of spectrum use. Meanwhile, it introduces a new architecture based on one physical network supporting multiple virtualized networks.
5G will complement current technologies
5G will complement rather than replace current connectivity technologies, enabling enterprises to leverage their existing investments. The spectrum of business use cases is so broad and each use case has unique bandwidth, geographic range, latency and cost requirements.

Connect with our sales team
Please tell us about yourself and your 5G needs so that one of our local sales representatives can get in touch.
Our success stories
5G – transforming sports
5G, edge computing, AI and extended reality (AR/VR) will transform the sports experience
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5G and the augmented technician
How will 5G and augmented reality help the service technician?
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5G network slicing for the auto industry
Augmented reality displays can help drivers spot hazards
Read more
Blog I 27 July 2020
What is 5G? 11 things that will help you understand 5G and what it can do for you
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Magazine I 8 July 2020
5G: an overview of its future applications
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From factories to the stadium, the future of 5G lies in co-innovation
A short overview of six Orange industrial partnerships aiming to co-innovate to find 5G business solutions.
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Through COVID-19 and beyond: why 5G will be central to helping Japan’s companies thrive
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5G wireless networks: Enabler of the next wave of AI, automation and immersive technology
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5G drives the real-time enterprise
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How 5G can enable the factory of the future
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How 5G will revolutionize industrial robotic control in the future
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5 things to expect from 5G
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Game on: How 5G can transform the fan experience
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