Promoting access to responsible digital solutions

Data and artificial intelligence are becoming ubiquitous, reshaping our lives and society. While acknowledging their positive impacts across many domains, ethical concerns surround their applications.

Our goal: support technological evolution with fairness, transparency and accountability.

Our commitments in figures


external stakeholders take part in the Data and AI Ethics Council


employees trained in data protection and GDPR standards


company awarded the GEEIS-AI label

Putting our goals into action

Orange Digital Centers for digital equality

Orange Digital Centers for digital equality

Through the creation of our Orange Digital Centers, we support the development of digital skills to enhance inclusion:

  • Free support initiatives
  • Creation of local projects
orange cyberdefense

Safe and reliable digital ecosystem

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of our clients’ data, while guaranteeing the security and resilience of our connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity infrastructure.

Créer et appliquer des règles d’usage de l’IA générative

Rules for the use of generative AI

We have established rules for the use of generative AI to apply to any project, product or service based on this technology, as well as any activity within the scope of our business.

A recognized approach


In 2020, we became the first company to be awarded the GEEIS-AI label for our contributions to digital equality for:

  • Raising awareness across the AI development chain

  • Committing to non-discrimination while promoting diversity in AI professions

International Charter for Inclusive AI

Orange and Arborus spearhead the International Charter for Inclusive AI, which commits companies to:

  • Implement fairer systems based on unified, consistent, verified, traceable and actionable data
  • Monitor AI-based solutions and continuously adapt processes
  • Raise awareness among prescribers of AI-based solutions
charte déontologie

Code of Ethics

We are committed to acting with integrity, adhering to the law and cultivating a healthy environment aligned with our commitment to being a responsible and trusted company.

responsible digital future

Guiding clients toward a more responsible digital future

We provide our clients with expert advice and solutions for their digital challenges, encompassing data protection, cybersecurity and control of AI solutions.

Responsible digitalization is our duty

illustration testimonial

Christel Heydemann, CEO of Orange

“ The adoption of the Data and AI Ethical Charter marks our determination to develop these innovative technologies in the service of our clients within a respectful and ethical framework, ensuring a trustful relationship with all our stakeholders. ”