Current Analysis, a global competitive intelligence provider, ranks Orange Business in the Top 5 Managed Security Services Providers (MSSP) worldwide. According to the report "Managed Security Services Update: It Just Got Better,” Orange Business is ranked as a "Threatening" competitor in the global MSSP market.
Orange Business differentiates itself with its ability to support advanced services in identity management and threat management, as well as the large geographical coverage of its security services offer, according to the report. The study focuses on five aspects of MSSP offerings: service scope and availability; service packages/support guarantees; authentication and monitoring services; and intrusion prevention and threat management.
“Orange Business has a solid global managed security offering with recent developments in ITIL compliant GRC (governance, risk and compliance) support for customers and expansion of remote device and cloud security,” according to Current Analysis.
“We see increasing demand for managed services from large corporations that would like to optimize their costs, particularly through security ‘opexification,’” said Nicolas Furgé, head of Security Services, Orange Business. “Orange Business is an infrastructure service provider delivering network and cloud services as a pure player. Quality, continuity of service, customer care for all, strong involvement in connected work changes – such as Internet, media, virtual/cloud, smartphone/BYOD – are our daily concerns.”
As part of its security services portfolio, Orange Business provides: remote access services (Flexible SSL); vulnerability management services; log and event correlation services, and smartphone security services.
Orange Business differentiates itself with a strong network culture and experience; tailored services as much as off-the-shelf solutions; and multiple market segment expertise – from SMEs to MNCs – and worldwide customer care, underpinned by a robust delivery factory certification ISO 27001, the international information security management system standard.
Portfolio growth will help Orange Business achieve its conquests 2015 goal of doubling security revenue within three years with more than 50 percent of that growth coming from managed services.
The full report is available:
About Orange Business
Orange Business, the France Telecom-Orange branch dedicated to B2B services, is a leading global integrator of communications solutions for multinational corporations. With the world's largest, seamless network for voice and data, Orange Business reaches 220 countries and territories with local support in 166. Offering a comprehensive package of communication services covering cloud computing, enterprise mobility, M2M, security, unified communications, videoconferencing, and broadband, Orange Business delivers a best-in-class customer experience across a global landscape. Thousands of enterprise customers and 1.4 million mobile data users rely on an Orange Business international platform for communicating and conducting business. Orange Business is a four-time winner of Best Global Operator at the World Communication Awards. Learn more at
France Telecom-Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with 172,000 employees worldwide and sales of 45.3 billion euros in 2011. Orange is the Group's single brand for Internet, television and mobile services in the majority of countries where the company operates. France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and on the New York Stock Exchange.
Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trade marks of Orange Brand Services Limited, Orange France or France Telecom.