Supporting the digital transformation of cities and territories
Proposing innovative urban services for citizens

of citizens would today like to have access to digital platforms to communicate with the public authorities.
Source : The Economist, Etude Empowering Cities, 2016
Real-time informations
Citizens are expressing a growing demand for real-time information and are seeking connectivity at all times, wherever they may be.
They are increasingly involved in community life and are becoming community-spirited stakeholders in their towns and cities.
Community applications ensure greater proximity between the citizens and their local authorities.
« Welcome to my city »
Orange’s web and mobile-based urban services platform created to make life easier and simpler for citizens and tourists is designed to support them in their day-to-day lives.
It gathers all relevant and useful information about the town (the geolocation of attractions and areas of interest, the opening times of public services, bargains and money-saving information, traffic reports, canteen menus and environmental data, etc.), before enriching this information and relaying it to citizens in a simple and personalised manner.
Improving the region's attractiveness and efficiency
New urban planning projects
Including the building or renovation of residential areas, business districts, shopping or hotel areas, towns are constantly increasing the number of urban planning projects meeting the principles of sustainable development, creating a greener and more responsible environment, and meeting citizens’ needs. Whether you manage a building or are a resident in one, technology helps improve the use of buildings. Security, safety, a comfortable working environment and the availability of innovative services are all made possible by the increasing use of technology in these facilities. At the same time, infrastructure management tools make it easier to implement strategies for buildings and other real estate assets.
Improve the use of buildings
Whether you manage a building or are a resident in one, technology helps improve the use of buildings. Security, safety, a comfortable working environment and the availability of innovative services are all made possible by the increasing use of technology in these facilities. At the same time, infrastructure management tools make it easier to implement strategies for buildings and other real estate assets..

Orange Gardens
brings digital services and human beings together.
Encouraging urban mobility

70 %
of the global population will be living in towns and cities by 2050: an incredible opportunity to encourage new urban mobility.
Travel flows
You can optimise your infrastructure assets thanks to a better knowledge of travel flows in your area. Having reliable indicators available which make it possible to improve and to boost the fluidity of population flows is now possible with Flux Vision, a "big data" solution making it possible to instantly process millions of items of technical information from the mobile network into statistical indicators in order to analyse visitor numbers in specific geographical areas and track population movements.
Find a parking space quickly
You can simplify journeys, by reducing the time spent looking for parking spaces. Being able to find a parking space quickly enables citizens to save time and also keep traffic levels down. With the Stationnement Malin (Smart Parking) solution, roadside parking spaces are equipped with wireless sensors making it possible to identify any unoccupied spaces, relaying this information instantly to drivers using a mobile application.
Real-time security
You can benefit from real-time security solutions for your transport.
Embracing the challenge of data
IoT & Data Analytics in the hearth of the city
The growth of networks, Big Data and the explosion in the Internet of Things are all factors which are central to the smart city of tomorrow.
They allow for improved urban management and a more detailed analysis of the expectations of both citizens and tourists, not only by obtaining and analysing real-time information but also through statistical and predictive analyses.
Adapted services
They make it possible to develop services adapted to urban requirements and to users’ needs and expectations.
The data is derived both from the town’s infrastructure and facilities (public lighting, traffic lights at intersections, car parks, waste management, etc.) which become massively connected thanks to the Internet of Things (networks and platforms) but also through the town’s information systems (networks and platforms), in addition to those of its partners and the community applications they operate.

growth per annum for the global Smart City market in the IoT field between 2015 and 2020.
Orange: serving the Smart City
15 000 1 200 |
15 billion € 5 000 |
4 000 800 million € |