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Digital in 2 min
Data and AI
What opportunities thanks to data and artificial intelligence?
A 2-minute answer from Mick Lévy, Head of Business Innovation at Orange Business.
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« The generative AI tsunami, as embodied for the general public by ChatGPT, will create a competitive advantage for companies that will choose to integrate these technologies quickly ». Mick Lévy
Companies have been engaged in a large-scale digital transformation, strongly accelerated by the recent health and geopolitical crises.
As a network and digital integrator, we rely on a specific combination of expertise in next-generation connectivity solutions, cloud and cybersecurity, to provide our customers with the best digital support.
At the heart of these issues: data and artificial intelligence.
At Orange Business, we support our customers to foster their digital transformation with confidence, while controlling the associated risks.
We have what it takes to address your major digital challenges
Get the most out of digital technology, from networks and cloud to data and service platforms.
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