Lesanto live reporting @Leweb'12: the internet of things #leweb

For people who don't know about LeWeb'12, it starts Tuesday in Paris and it is about the Internet of things.

We'll be there with our live blogger Glenn LeSanto, riding around the event, looking for interviews and fresh news about:

  • machine to machine
  • connected objects
  • Web 3.0
  • how entrepreneurs use these new technologies

who is LeSanto? a pirate blogger

If you don't know Lesanto yet, here is a quick overview of his skills during events:

We also will be liveblogging and livetweeting. You can follow the #Leweb conversation:

If you're in, let's have a coffee together, shall we?


Olivier Rubellin

Hello! As part of the digital team at Orange Business, I used to work on social media and multimedia content production.  Ping me at @olivierrub :-)