I usually work from home, that is unless I’m traveling, and then I work from, well, anywhere. My office goes from a small, messy place with papers everywhere (not to mention printers, phones, mobile devices and often my dog) to one of our offices somewhere in this world, or one of our customer’s offices, or a restaurant, train, taxi or airport.
With unified communications this is ok because I can check email, share documents and even host video calls from pretty much anywhere; including, as it turns out, seat 27B on United Flight 56 to Paris, or Delta flight 869 to Detroit, or American Airlines flight….you get the picture. Unified communications: productivity anytime, anywhere.
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I've been with Orange Business for 7 years. I'm a self-professed technology junkie and haven't met an innovation I don't like. One of the best parts of working for Orange is interacting with global customers - there is always something exciting going on somewhere in the world - and our customers are doing some of the most exciting stuff of all.