Today is one of those days. You know the one. You wake up thinking your day will go one way. And then, it doesn’t. Something happens and there is an emergency. Not a life threatening, get me to the hospital, emergency. But a work one – which can feel almost as stressful.
And, in order to solve this emergency you need to reach someone, NOW, but they’re not in the office. Now what? This is where unified communications comes to the rescue. You can leave a message and your co-worker can pick it up from anywhere – a landline, their smartphone or even email. With a quick call back to you, problem solved. Until. Tomorrow.
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I've been with Orange Business for 7 years. I'm a self-professed technology junkie and haven't met an innovation I don't like. One of the best parts of working for Orange is interacting with global customers - there is always something exciting going on somewhere in the world - and our customers are doing some of the most exciting stuff of all.