An integral part of my daily Paris metro experience and thus dear to my heart, Near Field Communications advances are making my life easier. I could use more NFC in my life, so I was happy to learn some NFC news by following coverage of Mobile World Congress from Orange.
You couldn’t make the event and are a fellow NFC fan? No worries, I’ve selected some blog highlights for you:
money money money
“On stage at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2012. ISIS CEO, Michael Abbot painted a future where no one will need a physical wallet but simply use their mobile phone to swipe, tap, bump to make a transaction. In an ISIS study with 18-34 year olds in the U.S. and UK, the majority felt more naked without smartphone than without their wallet. When asked, if they would use a mobile wallet, only 15% said ‘yes’ but 70% said they wanted a safe, secure and convenient payment system.” Read the full post here.
new deals and partnerships
A slurry of NFC deals and partnerships were announced at Mobile World Congress. If you’d like to learn more about . . .
- Visa + Intel
- Mastercard + DeviceFriendly
- Sony + Gemalto
. . . then please click here.
Finally, a little cherry on the cake for you; dream with me as you flip through this presentation on how NFC is changing our world:
What NFC marvels are you experiencing, or dreaming about?
Digitally yours,
Picture credit : © verticalarray -

Hi, I'm heading up external digital comms for Orange Business. Human-centered is my approach, and I hope this shines through in the blog content you read chez nous. Looking forward to connecting with you in the comments section or @KateBo.