Trey Pennington: "Companies Trying To Fix Structural Changes With Technology Will Fail"

In this sequel to our first video interview of Social Media expert Trey Pennington, Trey tells us all about the human factor with regard to the adoption of Social Media in the Enterprise. It's not so much a matter of technological investment nor even a question of doing things right or wrong Trey says (there are no magical recipes in that respect), it is a matter of human investment. Amongst companies which showed the way for doing things right, Trey mentions American high tech retail chain Best-Buy as a striking example of how things should be done: "They did a good job of investing in human assets" he adds.

When it comes to analysing the discrepancy between countries, Trey points out how intense the debate and critique is in the UK, therefore re-emphasising the amazing and exciting discussions that went on amongst the public and the various panels at Likeminds 2010 in Exeter at the end of February. Having said that, Trey adds that "this isn't a race between countries" and he goes on describing how to deploy software and service across the globe as he does with Paris-based web research software vendor Synthesio.

For Trey Pennington's blog and more insight into Social Media, click here

Yann Gourvennec

I specialize in information systems, HighTech marketing and Web marketing. I am author and contributor to numerous books and the CEO of Visionary Marketing. As such, I contribute regularly on this blog for Orange Business account on cloud computing and cloud storage topics.