introduces the Give&Get Channel, the first innovation speed dating channel. Give&Get is a virtual marketplace where starts-upers, innovators of any kind can exchange their High Tech Skills.
You can watch Give&Get videos if you are looking for high-tech skills in an open innovation perspective to speed up your project and enlarge your scope with people coming from all around the world. You can send your own Give&Get video, moreover each month, a selection committee select the most interesting Give&Get video. The winner will benefit of VIP contact that will help him to reach his goal.
Now, you can learn more about the Give&Get channel watching this video of Martin Duval

Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness