Wirelessweek presents us an interview of Axel Haentjens about the evolutions of technology in enterprise, he gets onto the connectivity technology and presents the biggest areas of opportunity for enterprises to address sustainability. Later he talks about the change that the IT organizations have to do to be successful and presents three critical success factors in sustainability solutions.
Here is an extract of Axel Haentjens interview:
What do changes like pervasive connectivity and embedded IP in broader devices mean for enterprises?
I have been in the communications business for 15 years at France Telecom [FT]. In 1995, it was very clear that the desktop had to be connected. Now we're at the point where we have laptops, BlackBerrys, PDAs, and more. So in the last two to three years, you could access documents and e-mail through a PDA from everywhere -- from a train, on holiday, etc. For Orange [FT's key brand], that translated into a huge success for our Business Everywhere tool. We have more than 1.3 million users.
But this year, we see something else. We're now at the point of pervasive reachability, where you need to talk to people using various means that are all integrated. We ought to be able to start one way, and then move to another.
And it's not only human connectivity.
Right. There will be five times more objects to connect than people, at the very least. There are mature applications today in tele-monitoring, fleet management and tracking goods. Orange operates mobile networks in 28 countries, including 15 countries in Europe today: 15 percent of our mobile B2B revenue is already M2M. It comes from SIM cards embedded into devices either for fleet management or remote monitoring, and it's growing at a rate of about 20 percent per year.
Read the full interview of Axel Haentjens by Yankee group on this Wirelessweek article

Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness