Since the European Commission has issued in 2003 a directive related to the re-use of public data, or PSI re-use directive, the entire community of public entities and potential re-users have focused their energy to transform the expected potential into reality (refer also to Orange Business presentation delivered in October 2010 during the World eGov Forum conference:
Thanks to the initiative of the Share-Psi Group launched jointly by ETSI and W3C, a seminar hosted by the European Commission took place on May, 10th and 11th in Brussels to address the following topic: « Removing the roadblocks to a pan European market for Public Sector Information re-use ». This seminar’s ambition was to develop a better understanding of barriers for the creation of PSI re-use market, both at national and pan-European levels. Besides activists, willing an access as free as possible to public data, legalists, working on licenses interoperability for public data re-use, and practioners, delivering public data and creating high value added services with great difficulties, this seminar was the opportunity for Orange Business to present a specific positioning as a public data operator, being an intermediary between public data producers and re-users, in order to achieve an automation and industrialization of data collection, which is a necessity to reveal the promising open data business for all.
What do you think?
Marc Ribes
Photo: Clipart Microsoft

Je suis tombé dans le eGov il y a 12 ans maintenant. Voir comment les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication peuvent impacter positivement le fonctionnement des Etats, le rôle des administrations et la relation qu'elles ont avec les citoyens est finalement passionnant. Sur la base de mes expériences en France mais aussi à l'international, j'interviens sur le sujet de l'administration électronique pour Orange Business, un des acteurs clés de ce domaine pour cette dernière décennie. Je suis somme toute un jeune bloggeur et je m'attache à donner une vision attractive d'un sujet qui peut sembler ardu. Ma dernière passion dans ce domaine : l'Open Data et les formidables promesses de transparence et d'impact économique que d'aucun nous annonce.