Feel like increasing your leadership? Here are four simple steps to significantly increase it. Follow the L.E.A.P acronym:
1/ cultivate Love
Why do I love this job, idea, project, colleague, product... and how do I demonstrate it? It is much easier to inspire people when you truly believe in what you do and in what you’re asking them to do - when you appreciate them for their skills as well as their areas of improvement, i.e. for who they are as individuals.
2/ generate Energy
Do I generate more energy when I walk into a room or when I exit? Read the post on The Impact of Energy on Projects written by Christie Dowling, Alexandra Gerbasi, and Vic Gulas to see how to improve your ability to energize people around you, to over perform and to attract the best people on your team.
3/ inspire Audacity
Change the World: How am I going to change the world of our employees, customers, marketplace? Challenge status quo, challenge everything... check out the post Everything is up for discussion of Elizabeth Harrin.
What rules can you challenge? How about:
- project team members are not compensated for their efforts
- project budgets must be managed by Finance
- we don’t have a project support function
- we don’t do it like that here
4/ provide Proof
Start by walking the talk: Do What You Say You Would Do !
A corollary to the above statement is to reward the behaviors that support items 1 to 3 above. Indeed, one of the characteristics of “The One Minute Manager” technique pushed by Kenneth H. Blanchard is to recognize immediately and in public the employees doing something right, no matter how small the recognition for doing right things. This will motivate all team members and boost productivity levels.
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I've been leading IT projects for more than 20 years at telecom and computer manufacturers: Thomson Sintra, Digital Equipment, NCR, Nortel Networks, Orange Business. My passion is Project Management and leadership and I run a blog on the PM best practices at http://dantotsupm.com/