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new technologies rely more and more on network infrastructure
A few days ago, I had the pleasure to meet Bob Gilbert, chief evangelist at Riverbed, and while we were having French cappuccinos, he told me about Unified Communications and how these exciting technologies were such a heavy load on network infrastructures. Having all these video and audio delivery systems as well as real time collaboration tools is one of today’s challenges: how to keep the end-user experience smooth and fluid?
An example he mentioned was latency issues. Since the end-user experience is key, how about having a videoconference between several people located on several continents? That would be a nice experience! :-) But it’d obviously bring a lot of latency issues. And it’s also a matter of bandwidth and several other criteria.
great end-user experience means great network infrastructures
If you think about the explosion of video (90% of the Internet traffic is… video!) and how companies use it, whether it is videoconference or telepresence, it starts to give you a headache. All this data, a tremendous amount of data, asked by all this people in all these locations, not to mention all these devices… you need to be ready.
So, how can it be addressed? Bob’s idea was to set up what he calls a “performance platform”. What is it you may ask? We’ll tell you in a few days… stay tuned! ;-)

Chef de projet et consultant fonctionnel au sein des équipes ingénierie Microsoft d’Orange Applications for Business, je suis surtout passionné par les dernières innovations technologiques avec une attention particulière aux nouveaux usages émergents.