What is Orange Business Live?
the annual event and meeting for Orange Business clients (European & emerging markets) will take place in Munich on June 14-16. Orange Business Live is the worldwide event providing:
- a direct touch point between our organization and our customers and an effective environment for face to face communications
- a channel for customer to learn about and feedback on our solutions and services and an opportunity for customers to understand our strategy and direction
- a well rythmed event: plenary, buzz sessions, videos, demos, networking, external and internal speakers, partners village with a focus on networking and interaction
This year's focus?
enabling your organization for new business growth
- is your IT infrastructure agile enough to meet your future business challenges?
- are your IT and communications able to support your business expansion into fast-growing but sometimes unpredictable new markets?
- how will you manage the increasing demands of end-users, fuelled by their experience with the latest consumer devices and technologies?
- what are the best practices for connecting IT to business to support critical transformation?
During the event, same as last year, a social media team with a group of international well famed bloggers will be blogging live about what happens at Orange Business Live. They will interview clients, participants, after the plenary sessions or conferences. Besides, a webtv as well as web radio studio will be set up in order to record debates or interviewes directly on location. Those readers who are not able to make it to the event will nonetheless be able to keep in touch with what happens in Amsterdam thanks to our twitter handle @orangebusiness, which will lead them to the right resources on our blogs and other media, also through the event hashtag #live11.
Moreover this year, we setted up a platform that will agregate all the content provided by the bloggers from different sources, from flickr to twitter through posterous and the bloggers own blogs! This mashup will be available here events.orange-business.com
useful links

Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness