Kristen Sukalac, senior adviser and partner at Prospero communication is going to be a part of 2011's Orange Business Live Munich's blogger team. She talks about 2010 Amsterdam's Orange Business Live where she was also part of the blogger team that she thinks it was really fun to meet! She explains that the two main events for her were Fons Trompenaars speech about cultural differences in business, and the 3D telepresence projection. For this year she expects great conferences and social communications related subjects to be very interesting.
Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness