It’s an understandable shift: you have a bigger ecosystem of devices and users to manage in many different places. And you only have finite resources to protect them all.
What cybersecurity risks do you need to consider when working in hybrid environments?
- The changing network perimeter. More workers in more locations means an unavoidably increased attack surface. Your people could be working from home, in a café, or in co-working spaces, all of which means potentially sensitive data is traveling across multiple, often unsecured, networks. And that means each connection point can represent a potential vulnerability to be exploited by bad actors. Insecure home Wi-Fi, public Wi-Fi hotspots, and personal devices that aren’t sufficiently protected are all big targets for attackers.
- Phishing and social engineering. Phishing continues to grow in sophistication, and in a hybrid working environment, your employees can be even more susceptible to attacks. Bad actors can exploit the absence of face-to-face verification and greater use of digital communication tools. Phishing emails can appear to be sent by trusted colleagues or company executives and trick your employees into giving away sensitive information or downloading malicious software. The upshot can be significant data breaches and financial losses.
- Keeping endpoints secured. Hybrid work means your employees use both company-issued kit and personal devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets. It makes ensuring endpoint security even more complex. Every device that accesses your network represents a potential entry point for bad actors and cyber threats. You must ensure all devices are updated with the latest security patches and antivirus software, comply with company security policies, and monitor and protect all endpoints in real time.
- Human error and insider threats. Human error is a constant cybersecurity concern, and insider threats can present problems in a hybrid working environment. Busy workers aren’t always updated on the latest need-to-know cybersecurity practices. Dissatisfied employees can be careless when handling sensitive information. Inadequately secured personal devices can increase the chances of accidental or deliberate data breaches. The issue is heightened when your employees are dispersed and you have less direct oversight.
- Lack of cyber skills. Cybersecurity skills shortages continue to be a major concern for companies, with only 15% of businesses stating they are optimistic cyber skills will improve significantly in the next two years . At the same time, your remote workers may want to use new GenAI tools to increase their productivity. Is your IT staff up to speed on the latest tools, techniques, threats, and how to reduce their cybersecurity risks?
Orange Cyberdefense can help you secure hybrid working with zero-trust cybersecurity models and support for Microsoft Teams and 365 to minimize risk while maximizing employee experience and productivity.
Learn more about the latest threats to hybrid working and how you can bring a flexible approach to protecting staff without stifling productivity :

I’ve been writing about technology for around 15 years and today focus mainly on all things telecoms - next generation networks, mobile, cloud computing and plenty more. For Futurity Media I am based in the Asia-Pacific region and keep a close eye on all things tech happening in that exciting part of the world.