Orange Business ranks “World Class” with superior customer satisfaction as global data VPN provider

breaks three previous World Records and raises customer satisfaction bar to new level

Orange Business ranks “World Class” and wins a Gold Award for Outstanding Performance, based on the Telemark data VPN Voice of the Customer report.
Orange Business attained the accolade World Class and topped the league table for the ninth consecutive time over the past four and half years. The highest attainable rating and meriting the Gold Award is based on customers rating Orange Business as Outstanding in the following categories:

  • support in local language
  • secure date transfer
  • geographical reach end to end – as the only provider to offer “Outstanding: geographical coverage
  •  installation guarantees
  • indispensable to customers
  • network reliability

Orange Business broke three previous World Records and raised the customer satisfaction bar to a new level in 2010.  Based on the Telemark data VPN Voice of the Customer report, Orange Business received awards for successfully outperforming rivals in key service categories or attributes. In addition to its Outstanding ratings, Orange Business scored Excellent in reaching difficult locations – dramatically ahead of rivals – and billing at cost center – significantly outperforming rivals with the only Excellent rating.

According to Janet Watkin, director at Telemark:  “In a very competitive environment where there is a widespread climate of austerity, providing a consistently high standard of service is even more imperative than in less challenging times. Furthermore, raising the bar for the customer service experience shows that the Orange Business commitment to a program on continuous improvement and adaptation, in line with customers’ expectations, is working.”

“This Gold Award illustrates our strong focus on customer satisfaction,” said Dominique Espinasse, senior vice president, Customer Services & Operations, Orange Business.
“Providing an outstanding customer experience is indeed one of the top five priorities in our conquests 2015 five-year strategic plan. Customer loyalty is our No. 1 priority and we want to differentiate ourselves through the customer experience. This recognition is thanks to all the Orange employees who on a daily basis, through their commitments to our customers, help Orange to build this increasing customer satisfaction.”

Telemark’s data VPN Voice of the Customer report is based on data from 882 interviews conducted between August 2009 and August 2010.

About Telemark Services
Telemark is an established marketing services firm offering OCEAN (Outstanding Customer Experience, Analysis and News), consultancy, publications and online analysis with proven expertise in measuring customer satisfaction, competitive analysis, benchmarking, trend analysis, channel management, new product development, demand estimates, branding, tariff analysis, and business strategy, exclusively within the telecommunications and ICT sectors. Telemark is often the first-choice supplier for many organisations with a requirement for international market research and analysis covering emerging technologies such as VoIP, ICT convergence and hosting applications. For more information, please visit or email

About Orange Business
Orange Business, the France Telecom Orange branch dedicated to B2B services, is a leading global integrator of communications solutions for multinational corporations. With the world’s largest, seamless network for voice and data, Orange Business reaches 220 countries and territories with local support in 166. Offering a comprehensive package of communication services covering cloud computing, enterprise mobility, M2M, security, unified communications, videoconferencing, and broadband, Orange Business delivers a best-in-class customer experience across a global landscape. Thousands of enterprise customers and 1.4 million users rely on an Orange Business international platform for communicating and conducting business. Orange Business is a four-time winner of Best Global Operator at the World Communication Awards. Learn more at

About Orange
Orange is the key brand of France Telecom, one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators. With more than 131 million customers, the Orange brand covers internet, television and mobile services in the majority of countries where the Group operates. At the end of 2009, France Telecom had sales of 44.8 billion euros (33.7 billion euros for the first nine months of 2010). At Sept. 30, 2010, the Group had a total customer base of 203 million customers in 32 countries. These include 144.5 million mobile customers and 13.3 million broadband Internet (ADSL, FTTH) customers worldwide. Orange is one of the main European operators for mobile and broadband Internet services and, under the brand Orange Business, is one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies.

With its industrial project, "conquests 2015", Orange is simultaneously addressing its employees, customers and shareholders, as well as the society in which the company operates, through a concrete set of action plans. These commitments are expressed through a new vision of human resources for employees; through the deployment of a network infrastructure upon which the Group will build its future growth; through the Group's ambition to offer a superior customer experience thanks in particular to improved quality of service; and through the acceleration of international development.

France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and on the New York Stock Exchange.

For more information (on the Internet and on your mobile):,,

Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trade marks of Orange Brand Services Limited, Orange France or France Telecom.