The future is 3D video conferencing!

written by Kristen Sukalac

Michael Escoe, Orange Business, The Americas
Opening the session on "Innovation in time of Uncertainty", [...] He provided an overview of Orange Business in the region. He then introduced Bernard Hébert, Vice President Improvement, Technologies and Knowledge Management, Cirque du Soleil, by asking how audience members would like to move one of their offices every 6-8 weeks to parking lots or other inherently hard-to-connect locations. [...] Bernard Hébert appeared on screen in 3D format via holographic video conferencing facilities.  Which one of the men in this video do you think is actually present in the room?

Alexandra Operto

Entre Janvier 2010 et Juin 2011, j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe de communication externe chez Orange  Business Services en tant que community manager. Mon rôle était notamment d'animer les blogs d'Orange Business, et de les faire évoluer. Mais aussi de gérer la page Facebook, et le compte Twitter d'Orange Business @orangebusiness